
Recognized for rich physical vocabulary and haunting imagery, BANDportier performed an evening of short works inspired by “Love is the longing for the half of ourselves we have lost” [Milan Kundera’s The Unbearable Lightness of Being].  

Portier also performed an autobiographical solo, an excerpt from HOUND of Wolves where Self as Character is the premise for this ongoing solo that never wants to be made.  

As an Expressionist love-letter to NYC, HORSE sets four performers within the rhythms, displays, and tests of Dressage as a metaphor for social choreography. Ambition and love serve as conceptual desires; as emblems of success and of failure; and as social behaviors that both entangle and liberate the performers. Featuring Anna Adams Stark, Edward Rice, Simon Thomas-Train, and Aya Wilson; and music from Mike Wall and Darren Morse.

Extra Season, initiated as an exercise in identifying creative interpretation and choice-making, examines an unspoken and evolving aesthetic unique to the performers (Meg Madorin, Meghan Frederick, Christina Jane Robson, Laurel Snyder, and Sydnie Liggett) that is driven by the inescapable desire to draw conclusions and to create meaning, both as witness and participant.

December 3 - 4, 2014, The Green Building, Brooklyn, NY